Goals for Spring Break

Dean: convert coordinates to JSON instead of ugly string thing and implement getEffectedShells Dan: implement refillBoard and refillTopLayer Alex: implement gameOverCheck Kenny: implement clearShells and clearShell


  • merged our branches
  • planned out what we need to do for spring break


Dean, Dan, Alex, Kenny


function refillBoard(board, emptyShells) {
    var effectedShells = getEffectedShells(emptyShells);

    while (emptyShells.size > 0) {
        gravity(board, emptyShells);
        refillTopLayer(board, emptyShells);

    return effectedShells;

function refillTopLayer(board, emptyShells) {
    emptyShells.forEach(function(JSONcoord) {
        coord = parseJSON(JSONcoord);
        if(coord.row == 0) {
            board.set(coord.row, coord.col, getRandomShell());
            emptyShells.remove(JSONcoord); // hope this doesn't break things